A black and white logo for creative rein on a white background.
A black and white logo for creative rein on a white background.

Uniting Designers with Technologists, Market Strategists and Product Engineers.

Pushing to create things the world has not yet seen or give new meaning to the things many would consider mundane.

About Creative Cretin

Creative Cretin is a collaboration of talent from all the world. We unite designers with technologists, market strategists with product engineers. Our goal is simple: create something the world has not yet seen. Or, at the very least, give new meaning to the things many would consider mundane.

Together, with our collective of friends and co-conspirators, we aim to be a force for innovation, both on the web and off. It is our hope that you’ll see a little Cretin in your day to day life, whether or not you realize it. Check for us in the coming season. We think you’ll love what’s coming next.

Who are we?

Well, that’s not a simple question to answer. Over the past couple of years, we’ve worked so many people, and in the process have changed our identity may times over. We are still evolving and changing even now. Expect that who we are today may not be who we are tomorrow. Just about anyone can be a Cretin. Have a look at the roster below and see if you recognize anyone.

Who We Are

  • Collaboration
  • Innovators
  • Technology enthusiasts
  • Crazy
  • Fun

Who We Do

  • Create tech
  • Make fun shit
  • Encourage subversion
  • Put spins on the usual

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who are you really?

    Creative Cretin is a limited liability company founded in Los Angeles by Justin McCullough. The company is currently run by a skeleton crew, and relies on the support of collaborative teams. So, like we mentioned on our about page, who we are is constantly changing. That's worked out to be a great thing for us. The more innovators we're paired with, the greater the number of opportunities for creative problem solving. We tend to pride creativity over all else.

  • Why are you?

    Creative Cretin arose from the need to constantly want to push the boundaries that most stable (sane) companies probably would not want to approach. I guess we're sort of out to upset an otherwise comfortable software industry. The company also serves as a lab of sorts for trying out new concepts the founder finds interesting.

  • Why the name?

    Well you see creativity is at the heart of everything that we do, or at least everything we'd like to do. It's not always necessarily about inventing for the sake of inventing, but sometimes just revising perceptions of a thing. This is at the core of our Creative nature.

  • How can you be reached?

    The internet. Contact your local service provider for access. If you have not contacted your local service provider and are reading this, are you the Matrix?

  • Can I join?

    We're not currently accepting resumes for positions. If you are a freelancer in the technical, art, or marketing spaces and are seeking temporary, short term employment contact us. We'll have need for talent from time to time.

  • Can I give you guys money?

    Always. Donate to us, purchase some kitch, or better yet, try our latest product.

Contact Us

Contact Us from Creative Cretin Homepage

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